The 2nd International Transplantoux Symposium: Time to Move is coming closer and we are very pleased that so far we have received over 106 registrations from 19 different countries!
We are very excited to meet them all in Leuven and we would like to encourage you to join us there as well!
So hurry up and register now via the Symposium Website! Please be informed that it is possible to sign up for the one day or two day programme.
The Scientific and Organising Committee is very proud that internationally acclaimed and globally renowned speakers will be presenting at the Transplantoux Symposium.
Furthermore we are very honoured to welcome Kim Clijsters for a duo talk with Prof. Diethard Monbaliu on Saturday February 9, 2019.
Have a look at the updated scientific programme and read the biosketches of our speakers!
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Symposium Secretariat in case of any questions or suggestions.
You can reach us at
Looking forward to welcoming you in Leuven!
With my best, personal regards,
Diethard Monbaliu
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee
Prof. Dr. Diethard Monbaliu
University Hospitals Leuven, BE
Prof. Dr. Robin Vos
University Hospitals Leuven, BE
Prof. Daniel Langer
KU Leuven & University Hospitals Leuven, BE
Dr. Harlinde Peperstraete
Ghent University Hospital, BE
Prof. Dr. Yves Van Belleghem
Ghent University Hospital, BE
Dr. Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck
University Hospital Antwerp, BE
Mr. Stefan De Smet
Transplantoux, BE
Mr. Jonas Vanbekbergen
Transplantoux, BE