Proefschrift Marc Paantjens: improving clinical evaluation and decision-making in military personnel with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

23 april 2024

Marc Paantjens, manueel therapeut en onderzoeker, is 2 april jongstleden bij Prof. dr. Frank JG Backx gepromoveerd.

Titel proefschrift: Improving clinical evaluation and decision-making in military personnel with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy
Focusing on Ultrasound Tissue Characterization
Promotiedatum: 2 april 2024
Promotieteam: Prof. dr. F.J.G. Backx, Dr. P.H. Helmhout, Dr. E.W.P. Bakker
Universiteit: Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

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