Lustrumcongres van de NVA Arthroscopic Frontiers

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

19 mei 2015

Datum: 21 en 22 mei 2015 
Locatie: Noordwijk  

On behalf of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society (NVA), we cordially invite you to the Annual Congress in Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands. This is a special year for the NVA as it is the 25th anniversary of the Society! The NVA Congress is considered the premier Dutch meeting providing a unique opportunity for attendees to discuss and learn the latest advancements in Arthroscopy.

This years’ 2-day Congress is internationally orientated and will include a variety of highlights such as the free paper presentations with the Eikelaar Price for best paper, plenary lectures on knee and shoulder arthroscopy, case based parallel sessions on ankle and elbow arthroscopy with experts in the field covering all special topics. The symposia on rehabilitation after ACL surgery and treatment of tendon pathology are considered top level and we are proud to organize these in close collaboration the Dutch Society for Sports Physiotherapists (NVFS) and the Dutch Society for Sports Medicine (VSG). The European Society for Sportstraumatology Knee surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) and the Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (AGA) will both organize a special symposium during the Congress. Innovation will be the central theme in the lunch time break-out sessions and technical exhibits will be offered.

The Congress will also host a variety of social events such as; the Breakers Beach Club Party for all Congress attendees, a special beach sports program and a social lecture by a famous Dutch Olympic gold medallist with a future in Medicine. You are a vital part of the 25th Anniversary NVA Congress! We hope to see you in Noordwijk! On behalf of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society (NVA), Prof.Dr. Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs Chairman

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