Deadline Early Bird Registration: Rehabilitation Conference 23-25 April 2014 Groningen

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

26 februari 2014

Datum: 23 t/m 25 April 2014
Locatie: Groningen

  • Early bird registration deadline March 3rd, 2014: In order to benefit from a reduced conference fee, please register now! The deadline for the early bird registration is March 3rd, 2014 (24.00h, CET). 

Rehabilitation: ‘Mobility, Exercise & Sports’ is the 5th edition of our International State-of-the-Art Congress. 
It builds on the strong and natural link between rehabilitation and human movement sciences. High standard thematic keynotes and free presentations are combined with posters and exhibition in a concise area and sociable atmosphere in the City of Talent!

The theme of the 5th International Congress will provide the state of the art on (wheeled) mobility, active lifestyle, exercise, training and sports in the context of rehabilitation and adapted sports. Internationally renowned experts will present their views on the current understanding, research and practice of mobility restoration, exercise and (adapted) sports in rehabilitation practice. Clinicians, researchers and other professionals from rehabilitation, human movement sciences and sport and exercise sciences are invited to submit their work for poster or oral presentations and/or to actively participate in this stimulating event. 

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