Early bird registration 12th Tusyad Congress 2014

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

15 juli 2014

7 days left for early bird Registration&Accomodation!

Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD) is pleased to announce its 12 Congress to be held at Kaya Convention Center in İzmir, Turkey on September 23-27, 2014. 

TUSYAD Congresses have always reached high standards, and we feel the responsibility of taking this task to a higher level. Our ultimate goal should always be improving patient care related to arthroscopy, knee surgery and 
sports injuries. For this purpose, TUSYAD Executive Committee and Local Organizing Committee aim at making this event an outstanding educational experience. As has been done since the 1 TUSYAD Congress in 1991 we will do our best to accomplish this task with nationwide and worldwide renown experts.

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