EFSMA 2015 Antwerp, September 10 – 12, 2015

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

1 juli 2015

‘The Cutting Edge’, Innovation and Education in Sports Medicine

EFSMA 2015 – Antwerp, September 10 – 12, 2015

It is my pleasure to announce the next biennial Congress of the European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations, which will be held in Antwerp, Belgium on September 10 – 12, 2015 and is organised by the VVS (Flemish Society for Sports Medicine).

I want to congratulate our French colleagues with their successful 2013 edition in Strasbourg.  It is our intention to continue their success in Antwerp.

The congress will consist of state-of-the-art lectures by an international faculty of renowned experts comprising members of the society and eminent invited guest speakers. We are happy with the support of the scientific committee of the VSG (Dutch Society for Sports Medicine).

Apart from the invited lectures, there will also be scientific sessions for selected proffered papers. The congress focus is multidisciplinary innovation organised in three parallel tracks with indexed and published papers focused on comprehensive education and short scientific papers, electronic posters and workshops. Participants will be able to move freely between these three tracks to tailor the congress to their individual needs and learning requirements.

The sessions will deal with the following topics:

  • Management, economics and coaching
  • Exertion physiology, biomechanics, gait and motion analysis
  • Nutrition, antidoping and medication
  • Brain and cognitive function, psychology
  • Paralympics, orthopaedics, tendon
  • Preparticipation examination with focus on children and elderly
  • Physiotherapy, return to play
  • Cardiology, radiology and nuclear imaging 

Hands-on workshops will be organised on dry needling and injection techniques, bike adjustment and diagnostic ultrasound. Kindly note that early booking is recommended as the number of tickets for these hands-on workshops is limited.

A sports cook and nutrition expert will offer live demonstrations of dishes during lunchtime.

I sincerely hope to welcome you to Antwerp on the occasion of EFSMA 2015!

Jan Gielen
Organiser EFSMA Congress 2015
Treasurer VVS

Alle informatie over inschrijven en het programma is te vinden op: www.efsma2015.org 

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