EFSMA congres 2015 Antwerpen

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

10 februari 2015

Datum: 9-12 september 2015
Locatie: Antwerpen, België

The next biennial Congress of the European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations will be held in Antwerp, Belgium on September 9-12, 2015 and is organised by the VVS (Flemish Society for Sports Medicine).

The congress will consist of state-of-the-art lectures by an international faculty of renowned experts comprising members of the society and eminent invited guest speakers. We are happy with the support of the scientific committee of the VSG (Dutch Society for Sports Medicine). Apart from the invited lectures, there will also be scientific sessions for selected proffered papers. The congress focus is multidisciplinary innovation organised in three parallel tracks with indexed and published papers focused on comprehensive education and short scientific papers, electronic posters and workshops.

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