Lecture Series on Cartilage Damage and Repair

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

25 januari 2016

A one of a kind lecture series titled ‘Motion for Life’ focused on cartilage damage and repair. The lecture series follows the healthcare process of a patient with (inter)national keynote speakers who share their knowledge and vision on prevention, understanding the pathology, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. During each lecture event, ample opportunity is created for networking of the audience.

The five lectures events take place at Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Exact lecture rooms will be announced. The venue is easily accessible by car or public transport. Directions can be found here.

The lecture series takes place in 2016 according to the schedule below. The precise dates can be found on http://www.3me.tudelft.nl/actueel/symposia-congressen-en-lezingen/lecture-series-on-cartilage-damage-and-repair/ 

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inschrijving geopend voor de cursus Trainingsfysiologie bij chronisch zieken

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Congres van de Stichting Sport en Orthopedie