Promotie AIOS Sportgeneeskunde Pim van Klij

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

7 maart 2021

Op woensdag 10 maart 2021 verdedigt P. van Klij zijn proefschrift, getiteld: ‘The Development of the Non-Perfect Hip in Young Athletes’.

In this thesis, several topics related to hip and groin are touched upon. Normal values of hip muscle strength and symptomatology (by HAGOS questionnaire) in professional football and field hockey players are determined. Despite the fact that field hockey is a very popular professional Olympic sport, no previous literature was available about this topic. In the following chapters, adolescent football players of Feyenoord Academy are included to study the development of the hip joint. Predominantly cam morphology, which is an extra bone formation on the anterolateral head-neck junction, is studied in relation to the proximal femoral growth plate, several radiological hip parameters (NSA, EE, LCEA), hip range of motion and symptomatology. To classify cam morphology, mostly the alpha angle is used as measurement, and we demonstrated that a cut-off of 60 degrees is currently most appropriate. Finally, the prevalence of cam- and pincer morphology is studied and its relation with hip osteoarthritis. Pim van Klij, who is currently a Sports Medicine Resident, was during his PhD supervised by promotor Prof.dr. J.A.N. Verhaar and copromotor Dr. R. Agricola.

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Vacature: UMC Utrecht, afdeling Revalidatie, Fysiotherapiewetenschap en Sport

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Call for papers – Sportmedisch Wetenschappelijk Jaarcongres Zomereditie